Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Change is comming !


I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3- after a good 9+ hours of sleep with a little pain in my lower back. After taking my am pills and 2 sessions in my chair where I did have a cursory look at C-span, CNN, CNBC and my back deck weather station, which showed it was 32 degrees out side, I am back at my workstation at a 3+ to prepare my post. Is the BLOG taking over my life? I actually was dreaming about it when I awoke this morning. In my dream I actually think I came up with the reasons my follower list is still just a bakers dozen. While I actually believed I was talking to the Blogosphere, I was just talking at it! I think I have figured out how (at least in my dream) to talk with it. Brother Mike stopped by yesterday after his MRI and he did NOT report that hey found holes in his brain, like me any way.


On C-span this morning the House was working on expansion of the S-chip program and it looks like they will finally get it done. The DOW was down over 274 points to just under 8200 and OIL was down and GAS was up, that’s not supposed to happen. I still think if all of O’bama’s health plan gets passed the market will start to zoom.


Brandon Roy is back; Maurice Lucas is mentoring mentoring Oden and Smith is still being ignored.


Mary Beth Maxwell……….


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

If my dream was a signal to update my blog experience you and I will be seeing some changes in the future.

And Mike today is just over 300.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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