Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's not a sport !


I awoke this morning at 7:15am, after 9+ hours of good sleep, to a 2- because of back and hip pain. I took my am pills minus my ½ blood pressure pill and turned on the TV to set my TVO for the NFL game today and after 4+ sessions in my chair and a review of C-span, CNN, CNBC and NWCN to get fodder for my posting, I am in here to post at 3+. My fodder will follow in the various sections of my blog. When I checked my email before retiring last night I did have a message from my Nephew, currently stationed in California and he was wondering who I was talking about, when I referred to Homeland Security? I told him I considered, pretty much everyone who reads my blog, especially those that have taken the oath to “Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States”, and will actually do that.


While watching C-span yesterday I got to watch the hearing on O’bama’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, nominee Hilda Solis. Senator Kennedy was his usual pro-worker, pro-family self. Independent Bernie Sanders (I-V) was, without a doubt, the most pro-union questioner on this panel. The Republicans wanted to see if the nominee was a RTW supporter. Tom Harkin was also a very good pro-worker questioner. All of the Republicans were very anti-union and Staunch Right to Work, for less, supporters and anti American Rights at Work people. The last thing those Republicans want are Americans with rights at work. I also feel really bad that I did not get my local union ballot back in time to be counted. While I was not waiting for my, “Tony Saprano” like, Union goon to tell me how to mark my “secret ballot!” I procrastinated and missed because of the weather. Did I notice that the new DNC chair amongst all those war mongers at the commissioning of the last Nimitz class Carrier?


I finally got a response from a reader. Keno and Poker are NOT sports. Being the lowest return on investment I have ever received, I guess I’ll agree. I did set my TVO for the Baltimore game today, as I have an interest in Baltimore’s success on my FFB Toilet Bowl game.


I still think I’ll try to put this website, as a permanent link, on my website even though I do not get any sort of commission. Maybe even direct links to other progressive candidates and organizations? I am calling on my Jury to lend some advice!

Mary Beth Maxwell……….


I still haven’t heard from my Primary Care Doctor on my request for my wellbutrin to help me become a non-smoker on the 11th. Well I am now down to less than a pack a day and I still am shooting for the 11th, that extra help would be good.
I have also scheduled a new appointment with my NCA for the 20th. When I did that he told me that the contractor that referred me to him was at home mending a dislocated Shoulder he got hurt during the snow event we just had. If you can, please let Craig Schommer know we are thinking of him. Our Locals Assistant Business Manager is recuperating from surgery and should be included in our prayers. Remember, Homeland Security is watching, and also an English professor. No Christopher I am not sharing your emails with my writing advisors.
And soon, maybe, another Media Mogul, I sure hope Rachel does not get po’d. I also invited a professional writer for the Longshore workers to visit my blog.

I received almost an immediate response from my friend at the Building Trades yesterday and he informed me today that the Legislative Conference will be from May 17th to the 20th, I still need to find out which Hotel they moved to. I now have more time to recuperate and attempt to attend.

I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

And Mike, it is now over 700 today.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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